Facing Divorce in Melbourne: Where to Begin

Going through a divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences in life. Amid the emotional turmoil, practical matters like dividing shared property and finances require careful attention. If you’re navigating this difficult process in Melbourne, understanding how property settlements work in Australia—and how they specifically apply in Victoria—can provide clarity and ease some of the stress. This guide aims to be a valuable resource to help you through each step of the journey toward a fair settlement.

Getting a Handle on Property Settlements

When a marriage or de facto relationship ends, sorting out who gets what can feel overwhelming. Property settlements involve the division of assets and debts between you and your former partner. This isn’t limited to physical properties like your family home in Carlton or an apartment in Southbank; it also encompasses bank accounts, investments, superannuation, businesses, and liabilities like mortgages and credit card debts.

Understanding your rights and responsibilities is crucial. It ensures the settlement process is fair and considers both parties’ contributions and future needs. Let’s explore how property settlements work in Australia, with a focus on how they might affect you here in Melbourne.

How It Works in Australia

In Australia, the Family Law Act 1975 governs property settlements. This federal legislation applies across all states and territories, including Victoria. The law doesn’t automatically split assets 50/50. Instead, it considers various factors to reach a fair and equitable division. These factors include:


  • Financial Contributions: This includes income, savings, and assets either of you brought into the relationship. For example, if you used your savings to purchase a home in Fitzroy or invested in a business on Chapel Street.
  • Non-Financial Contributions: Efforts like homemaking and childcare are equally important. If you took time off work to raise children in Brighton or managed the household in St Kilda, these contributions are recognised.

Future Needs

  • Age and Health: The court considers if one partner is older or has health issues that may affect their ability to work. For instance, if you have a health condition that makes it challenging to compete in Melbourne’s job market.
  • Earning Capacity: Differences in income and future earning potential are assessed. If one partner sacrificed their career to support the family, perhaps by staying home in Essendon to care for children, this will be considered.

Children’s Care

  • Parental Responsibilities: Ongoing responsibilities for children, including who they will live with and how they will be supported financially, are crucial factors. If you’re the primary caregiver living in Hawthorn, this will influence the settlement.
Melbourne couple dealing with divorce and property settlement documents.

A couple in Melbourne sits apart with divorce and property settlement papers in focus, representing the emotional and legal challenges of ending a marriage.

Steps to Fairly Split Property

Navigating a property settlement involves several key steps:

1. Listing Assets and Debts

Begin by creating a comprehensive list of all assets and liabilities. This includes properties, vehicles, bank accounts, superannuation, investments, businesses, and debts like loans and credit cards. Don’t forget personal belongings of significant value, such as artwork or jewellery.

  • Tip: Get accurate valuations. For properties, consider getting professional appraisals from local Melbourne real estate agents familiar with suburbs like Richmond or Brunswick.

2. Assessing Contributions

Reflect on both your and your ex-partner’s contributions throughout the relationship. Document financial inputs, but also non-financial efforts like raising children or renovating your home in Toorak.

3. Looking at Future Needs

Consider factors that will affect both parties moving forward. This includes potential earning capacities, health issues, and who will be the primary caregiver if you have children attending schools in Melbourne.

4. Negotiating an Agreement

Open communication is key. Try to reach an agreement through discussion, negotiation, or with the help of a mediator. Mediation services are available throughout Melbourne and can provide a neutral ground to facilitate discussions.

5. Making It Official

Once an agreement is reached, it needs to be formalised. This can be done through:

  • Binding Financial Agreement: A legally binding document outlining the division.
  • Consent Order: An agreement approved by the court.

If you cannot reach an agreement, you may need to apply to the Family Court or Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia in Melbourne to decide for you.

Your Rights in Property Settlements

Understanding your rights ensures you are treated fairly during the settlement process.

Full Disclosure

Both parties are legally required to fully disclose all assets and debts. Concealing information can lead to legal penalties and an unfair settlement.

Legal Help

You have the right to seek legal advice. Family lawyers in Melbourne can provide guidance tailored to your situation. They can help you understand your entitlements and obligations under Australian law.

Fair Split

The goal is a fair—not necessarily equal—division of assets. The court aims to reach an outcome that is just and equitable for both parties.


You can opt for mediation before resorting to court proceedings. This approach can save time, reduce costs, and is generally less adversarial.

Melbourne couple signing divorce papers during mediation.

A couple in Melbourne goes through mediation as part of their divorce proceedings, signing legal documents to finalise the process.

Tips for a Smooth Settlement

Navigating a property settlement doesn’t have to be a battlefield. Here are some tips to make the process smoother:

1. Keep Detailed Records

Document everything related to your finances and contributions. This includes receipts, bank statements, and records of any home improvements in your Melbourne property.

2. Get Professional Advice

Consult with family lawyers, financial advisors, and property valuers. Professionals familiar with Melbourne’s property market can provide accurate valuations and advice.

3. Communicate Honestly

Open and honest communication can prevent misunderstandings. It may be difficult, but transparency can expedite the process.

4. Think About the Kids

If you have children, their well-being should be a priority. Consider how the settlement will affect their living arrangements, education, and stability.

5. Be Willing to Compromise

Flexibility can lead to a mutually beneficial agreement. Recognise that some concessions may be necessary to reach a fair outcome.

Finding Legal Help in Melbourne with Pentana Stanton Lawyers

Securing professional legal assistance is a crucial step when navigating the complexities of divorce and property settlements. Pentana Stanton Lawyers, based in Melbourne, offers expert family law services to guide you through this challenging time. With a focus on property settlements, child custody, and all aspects of divorce, our team is dedicated to achieving fair and equitable outcomes for our clients.

Here’s why Pentana Stanton Lawyers is the right choice for family law assistance in Melbourne:

Strong Reputation

At Pentana Stanton Lawyers, we pride ourselves on our strong reputation within Melbourne’s legal community. With positive client testimonials and a proven track record of successful outcomes, we have become a trusted resource for families in need of legal guidance during divorce.

Family Law Expertise

Our team of experienced family lawyers specialises in property settlements, ensuring that your contributions and future needs are fairly represented. We have extensive experience in handling complex financial arrangements and high-value asset divisions across Melbourne, offering tailored advice to suit your situation.

Free Case Assessment

Pentana Stanton Lawyers offers a free case assessment where you can discuss your situation and explore the options available to you. This initial assessment is an opportunity for us to understand your circumstances, provide preliminary advice, and determine how best we can support you throughout the settlement process.

If you’re going through a divorce in Melbourne and need personalised legal advice, Pentana Stanton Lawyers is here to support you every step of the way.

Logo of Pentana Stanton Lawyers, a Melbourne-based law firm.

Pentana Stanton Lawyers: Your Trusted Legal Experts in Melbourne.

Conclusion: Achieving a Fair Property Settlement

Facing a divorce is never easy, but understanding the property settlement process can alleviate some of the stress. By familiarising yourself with your rights under the Family Law Act, seeking professional advice, and approaching the situation with openness and honesty, you can navigate this challenging time more confidently.

Remember, the goal is to reach a fair and equitable division that allows both parties to move forward. Whether you’re in the bustling heart of Melbourne’s CBD or the tranquil suburbs of the Mornington Peninsula, support and resources are available to help you through this process.

Take care of yourself, seek the support you need, and focus on building a positive future beyond this chapter of your life.
